Enhance Stream Cipher using Modified Fisher Algorithm
Stream cipher, Fisher–yates algorithms, Index of Coincidence, Encryption, Decryption, ASCIIAbstract
Cryptography, being an important science in securing communications networks, is continuously looking for novel ways to strengthen traditional encryption techniques. This study explores the possibilities of improving the Stream Cipher and fortifying it with a Modified Fisher Algorithm (MFA). Hence, the combination of Stream Cipher with Modified Fisher Algorithm (SCwMFA) is more secure than each cipher alone. Where the Stream Cipher is regarded as a powerful approach that uses binary form instead of characters with MFA to increase the strength of the needed key. This combination offers a good level of security. Experimental results reveal that the suggested combining algorithms based on the Index of Coincidence (IoC) metric outperforms the Stream Cipher with The Traditional Fisher-Algorithm (SCwTFA) in terms of security with increasing cryptanalysis complexity.